Monday, November 23, 2009

Count Dracula Teeth: Dracula Baby

My Daughters High School put on "Dracula Baby": A Musical Comedy for which I was honored to make Vampire Fangs for the the lead role, Count Dracula.

The fangs were made by taking alginate impressions of his upper and lower teeth, a bite registration was also recorded to assist in finalizing occlussion. The actor was then dismissed.

One additional cast was poured of the upper arch after the 1st upper and lower stone casts were set.
A set of "Fangs" were waxed onto the second pour of the upper cast.At this time, occlusal clearance is checked to ensure normal function (Speaking, singing, exaggerated facial movements).

Final waxed fangs are then impressed with alginate.

This impression is now our mold for the the final fangs. Using the first stone cast of the upper teeth, carve small(~.020") undercuts into the cast along the buccal and lingual extents of the mesial and distal point angles to provide added retention if needed. Apply tinfoil substitute or similar separator on the anterior teeth of the cast

Inject bubble free temporary crown material into the negative impression of each fang and immediately seat the first cast fully into the fang impression / temporary crown material.

Once set; remove, trim and polish fangs. Sterilize prior to try-in or delivery. My self proclaimed au fait with "authentic vampire lore" made me relunctant to placing fangs on anything but cuspids. However, this subject has a narrow arch and cuspid placement would have minimized fang visibilty during a stage performance. Were these to be used for TV/Movies, I highly recommend the use of proper cuspid placement.
Here you can see the second pour cast with waxed up fangs and the first pour (More accurate) cast in green after original trim and polish.

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